Our visit to Provo, Utah was all too quick. We had a very good excuse to fly up: Leland's paper was selected as one of only 3 law school papers that would be presented in a Symposium held at BYU. Lee was ecstatic! And he didn't disappoint. His presentation was AMAZING. It's strange because as a mother, I always enjoy whatever my children did. But it's a great experience to actually realize how good they really are in real life. He was so confident, articulate and knowledgeable. His Powerpoint presentation was also incredible---not your usual bullet-driven bore. I learned a lot from just his allotted 15 minutes. During the Q&A period, he was at ease and answered questions interestingly. I was just so bowled over. He is going to be one fantastic attorney. Below is a photo of the door that led to the room where Leland presented his paper.
Of course, I couldn't resist making Nate and Hannah pose outside the door before we opened it and found Leland and Catherine. They were game and supportive to wake up early to listen to Leland who was scheduled to speak at 8am on a Saturday.
Later, we hung around with Jack and Lucy. Here he is with his Papi. Jack is the funniest 2 year old around! He has the most amazing blue eyes ever. And boy did he love to show off!
Below is beautiful Lucy Faux. She will be four in August which is mind-boggling for me. She is just so adorable and beautiful. Most of all, both of them are happy and contented little kids. This is a testament to Catherine's mothering skills.
Jack liked to play only with his Dad, his Papi and Nate. He didn't really pay much attention to us girls. Here is Nate trying to show Jack his cellphone.
That night, we watched BYU's Synthesis in concert. That's BYU's premiere jazz band. It was awesome because they had a special guest saxophonist: Don Mensa. He was unbelievable. I tried not to weep while he was playing his second piece. It was such an enjoyable night. Thanks to Nate and Hannah for purchasing our tickets and providing us with good company. We had a late dinner at IHOP after that 3 hour concert where Natascha finally got to join us. She was in Wendover watching Boyz 2 Men. We had so much fun! Below is a fun photo of Hannah and Nate. I will post the videos later.
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