I am eagerly awaiting the birth of my red leather couch with black leather welting to frame its outline. It arrives in about 7 weeks.
I always thought a red couch would look spectacular in my family room. But a red leather couch that looks like it can hold its own in French country style is hard to find. I would have to build it from scratch. First, I would need to find the right couch style--the right curves, legs, arm rests, cushions, back.... then find the exact shade of red leather with the right grade, texture and feel that I see in my mind's eye, not to mention the right trims, or whether it should have a skirt, pleats, gathers, weltings or fringes... and then meld these ideas together. Then the search to find a furniture store that can do this at a price that is affordable is a monster feat in itself considering how tight I hold on to my wallet. Why did it take five years before I finally took the plunge? It's simple: I like to live for contingencies. I mean, a red couch pretty much limits itself. What if I change my mind? What if I can't find anything to match it? What if it goes out of style? Then what would I do with a red leather couch? And come on---RED? So I end up not buying a red leather couch because I am afraid of contingencies. And I end up wishing I had a red leather couch...and languishing in my lack of courage to just "bite the bullet".
Then I thought: life is short. Buy a red leather couch.
And I did it.
Methinks that often I live my life like this---always wishing and wondering about the things I want to do but don't do because I am afraid of contingencies. Sometimes it's good to just go out and dance in the rain. Or wear a bright red leather jacket before I get too old...or too fat. Or learn to play a harp before my fingers get stiff from arthritis---rather than thinking: what's the use? I'll get arthritis before I get good enough to play. Or just go ahead and knock on my old friend's door....in Kobe, Japan. Or audition for that part even if I can't sing spectacularly. Or go to Shanghai to practice my Mandarin dialogues.
So I await my red leather couch with bated breath. Maybe I have time to pull my brushes, paint and easel and paint that picture I see in my head. Maybe it'll go with the red leather couch.
But what if?