Thursday, November 30, 2006

What I Want To Be When I Grow Up

I've been getting the house decorated for Christmas now since Monday... and it's Friday afternoon. I'm exhausted. I still have the vacuum cleaner and mop in the kitchen and one last load of wash but I just needed to sit down and compose myself. It's been a long week.

It hasn't been fun decorating the tree at all. I do it alone. No kids jumping and playing around. Just quiet. And the ornaments are well opposed to bottom heavy when I had little elfin darlings anxious to decorate and I'd hear "mom!" from every direction and from each of my four attention-hungry kids. I miss those precious times. It seems like a hundred years ago.

During moments like this, when I am alone to ponder my thoughts, I think about the future and the past. I have been a full-time mother since my first child was born. He is now 24 years old. Growing up in the Philippines, I was imbued with the notion that in order to be a 'success' and for my parents to be proud of me, I needed to have a worthwhile career and education was paramount in achieving this goal. My parents worked hard and sacrificed much so that I could attend a private school from kindergarten to seventh grade. The result of my desire to achieve was the acquisition of the prized reward: to be a national science scholar, to be paid by the government to study in the creme de la creme of exclusive schools: the Philippine Science High School. And I am humbled and grateful to have that blessing in my life: the gift of the most exclusive, intensive education. The unexpected prize of that privilege was to 'grow up' with over a hundred others who, not surprising to me, were my superiors in many ways. And these wonderful young friends still sustain my well-being to this day, inspiring and elevating me throughout my life. I attended the University of the Philippines and then Brigham Young University in Hawaii. By now, I should have reached the pinnacle of success in career and social circles.

But I am a mom.

And so, after nearly 26 years of marriage to my college sweetheart and four children later, I sit here pondering my future. My last baby, who is 17, will be attending college in the fall and thus, I will have no more children to 'mother' at home. I will be free to pursue my life's ambitions. I can continue on and become what I always want to be. There are so many things I can do and achieve still. I can 'rebuild' what was snatched from my hands when I became a mom. Now I can be free to really be a 'success'. Perhaps I can pursue that elusive career that I've dreamed of having. Perhaps now I can amass my fortune and become a woman of means. I can finally say: I am an artist. Or, "I run a law office". Or, "I am a writer". Or a teacher. Or whatever else sounds impressive. I don't have to say, "oh, I'm a stay-at-home mom" and wear an apron all day.

My friends ask me all the time what my plans are when Hannah goes to college. I give them a litany of dreams and secret desires that I wish to pursue: go back to college, pursue a graduate degree, learn to paint, go on study-abroad trips to exotic places, start a business, master web design and graphic arts, be an artist, finish that book, compile my musical arrangements into a book....yada, yada. Yes, I can do all that. And well.

But I've discovered what my life's ambition really is. Here's the revelation: I'm in it! I'm doing it! I am doing EXACTLY what I want. I've been doing exactly what I ambitioned in my heart of hearts. I've raised a fine bunch of children: self-assured, confident, intelligent people who know how to live within themselves. Most of all, they are kind, loving and generous individuals. And I am partner to the most wonderful man in the who loves me deeply and completely. Yes, all along, I've been living the life that I really wanted.
I am what I want to be when I grow up.

The rest is just gravy.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Maintaining Bliss

The photo above was taken just a couple of hours ago. All but one of my children have left to go back to college life. I stood on the driveway less than an hour ago and hugged them goodbye, told each one of them my "I love you's"...and then waved as I watched their rented suburban pull out of the driveway and then that turn that leads outside the private gates. It took a lot of focus on my part to keep from breaking down while we said our goodbyes but as soon as they made that turn, I was reduced to tears. My heart, I fear, is just not made for goodbyes. What a wonderful time it was to have them all....and especially my very first grand-daughter, Lucy, who came 'home' for the first time. She will be 12 weeks old tomorrow. My arms long for her already. And I still have kisses and hugs left to give. What am I ever to do?

My house was blissfully messy all week---dirty socks, blankets, clothes, shoes, baby things...all on the floor, dishes in the sink, laundry piling, food crumbs on the floor and counters....but it was pure bliss. I loved every minute of it. Now, I have to pick up and put things back in their pristine condition and all will be lovely to look at. There will be order and everything will be neat and tidy. Showroom condition. I'm not sure if I like it.

I love it that my children get along so well...and love each other so kindly. I love it that they are patient and generous with one another. We don't have any feuds or hard feelings... and I hope those things don't crop up. The important thing is to make sure that everybody talks to each other. I don't mind discussing problems or misunderstandings before they fester and relationships are damaged and no one remembers exactly how it happened. I know. I've lived it. I still live it.

And because I don't like it, I don't want the same to happen to my children. So I decided on two important principles that I MUST abide by:

1. NO GOSSIP AMONG FAMILY MEMBERS. I must encourage them to talk to each other, to settle their small differences before they fester. I must remember that if there's no dialogue, separation spawns festering when bad feelings become worse. I have to be the example and not say anything negative about any member of my family. (OMG, how can anyone?) I must not allow others to criticize. Period. That is not allowed. But dialogue is much encouraged.

OK. That's only one. It's the only prevailing thought that I have right now. Probably because I'm so affected by the ravages of this tempest. Gossip is a habit that creeps up on everyone and before they know it, they can't get out of its vicious trap. Gossip is just so....pedestrian.
My family is so precious. I must be vigilant. I must maintain bliss.