It's been very difficult since the girls left for college and the house is empty. There hasn't been a day yet when I didn't have a bad crying spell. I've been praying for some kind of assistance so I can see the proverbial "light at the end of the tunnel" ...so I can feel normal again. But alas, my coping skills so far have been woefully limited.
I woke up early today, being Saturday and dragged my body out of bed so I can wash my hair, get made up and then sit down in the quiet of morning to study my material for my third week of teaching LDS seminary. I've LOVED teaching and so far, if it weren't for the fact that I have to get up to get ready to teach, I'd be curled up in a ball in bed not knowing what to do with myself and feeling like everything is pointless.
Checked my email. As it turned out, my friend Chat had been trying to get a hold of me since last week before they left for Paris, France. Her father and step-mom backed out on the last minute and now they have an extra room with bath sitting empty. They will be in France until the 15th and it's already the 8th. Would I hop on the next plane?
Ridiculous. I have to teach seminary next week and I have a mountain of laundry to do. I don't even have enough clean underwear for a whole week. Plus, people don't make that kind of rash decision on the last minute. Plus, I've never been to Paris. And where would I find a sub to teach my class at this late hour? The earliest I can leave would perhaps be Wednesday and I'd get there in time to take the next plane back in 2 days. Crazy idea. I'd have to leave TOMORROW if I want to get there on Monday.
It would take me three hours to find a sub. But I found one who would happily do it. I can do two loads of laundry in an hour and a half. Pack for 6 days in perhaps 2 hours. Passport? Check. Euros? I still have about 200 pounds from our trip to London and Berlin last June. Flight? Hmmm......
My wonderful husband tells me he would BUY my ticket if I don't get online to make the transaction.
Found a flight to Paris from Las Vegas via NYC on American AIrlines. Don't have 24 hours to verify a credit card transaction. I make some calls. My flight is confirmed within 1.5 hours.
Off to Paris I go. Leaving in 15 hours.
What a crazy messed up life I live!
Now all I have to do is learn to say: est-ce que l'avion partira à l'heure?
I woke up early today, being Saturday and dragged my body out of bed so I can wash my hair, get made up and then sit down in the quiet of morning to study my material for my third week of teaching LDS seminary. I've LOVED teaching and so far, if it weren't for the fact that I have to get up to get ready to teach, I'd be curled up in a ball in bed not knowing what to do with myself and feeling like everything is pointless.
Checked my email. As it turned out, my friend Chat had been trying to get a hold of me since last week before they left for Paris, France. Her father and step-mom backed out on the last minute and now they have an extra room with bath sitting empty. They will be in France until the 15th and it's already the 8th. Would I hop on the next plane?
Ridiculous. I have to teach seminary next week and I have a mountain of laundry to do. I don't even have enough clean underwear for a whole week. Plus, people don't make that kind of rash decision on the last minute. Plus, I've never been to Paris. And where would I find a sub to teach my class at this late hour? The earliest I can leave would perhaps be Wednesday and I'd get there in time to take the next plane back in 2 days. Crazy idea. I'd have to leave TOMORROW if I want to get there on Monday.
It would take me three hours to find a sub. But I found one who would happily do it. I can do two loads of laundry in an hour and a half. Pack for 6 days in perhaps 2 hours. Passport? Check. Euros? I still have about 200 pounds from our trip to London and Berlin last June. Flight? Hmmm......
My wonderful husband tells me he would BUY my ticket if I don't get online to make the transaction.
Found a flight to Paris from Las Vegas via NYC on American AIrlines. Don't have 24 hours to verify a credit card transaction. I make some calls. My flight is confirmed within 1.5 hours.
Off to Paris I go. Leaving in 15 hours.
What a crazy messed up life I live!
Now all I have to do is learn to say: est-ce que l'avion partira à l'heure?