When we desire to be righteous, there will be times in our lives when we are faced with decisions that are neither wrong nor right -- forcing us to try and choose the better part even when the margin of differences seem so small and insignificant. Ironically, the margin of differences SEEM so small precisely because of our lack of experience and the very act of choosing one or the other is the only way to figure out these differences. By then it may become apparent that the losses may be too great to risk. This is when the tender mercies of God become crucial. These are the very moments when we can experience the manifestations of his hand and in so doing, engender our refinement.
Once decisions have been made, and the wheels have begun to turn, we may find ourselves caught in the mechanism of our own doing. We cannot turn back. But our righteous desires, immature they may be, may also buy our way out. Though we cannot see how that can happen because our circumstances may be dire, there is a voice inside us that tells us that He is in control and that we will be alright-- nothing bad can happen because God is in the details. All we have to do is remit each day with patience, courage and the discipline to be serene. Once we can calm ourselves and feel that security, humility hones our senses to listen to his commands. And once we hear his instructions, refinement can only occur when we execute his will. It will require much courage to do so and the execution may be difficult. But the instructions will be clear and there will be clarity of thought and purpose such that though the load may be heavy, this sharpness and clarity will amazingly make the load light. Now we can begin our way back to choose that better part in the first place-- held in reserve for us by the Lord's tender mercies.
This is the trial of our faith--to finally accept his will. This is that glorious opportunity to show how strong our faith is and how stout our hearts are. Remember that the genesis of this comes from choosing between righteous choices---a situation that arises more often as we strive to be righteous and obedient followers of Christ.