Mothering Insights On Prayer & Communication
I love being with my children. When they left for college, I fancied myself sitting by the phone waiting for them to call. I imagined that they would call morning, noon and night...and even in between. Of course, this was me living in my unrealistic, perfect-for-me world and intellectually, I knew this was an expectation that should not even exist.
Sometimes, when they do call, we talk about all kinds of things --things that usually deal with relationships and life's ironies. Invariably, I would dispense some unsolicited advise and while my children would graciously listen, in the end, I knew my suggestions were not really needed-- sometimes, and probably deservedly so, even unappreciated. But then weeks or months later, they would find themselves in situations where those counsels would have come in handy and I'd get a phone call asking for assistance or advise regarding the very thing we had discussed previously.
One day, I found myself in the grocery store looking at boxes of cereal. I didn't need to get any because my children were all gone. I looked at little lunchbox sized boxes of raisins, granola bars, fruit snacks...items that I used to buy to slip into their lunch bags. I longed for those days. I ached to give them something. I wanted to give them something. I wanted to give them everything. But they don't need Hello Kitty fruit snacks anymore.
At times, I wonder if they still need a mom. And sometimes I long for them to tell me that I am a good mom. And most of all, my heart always softens when they tell me they are grateful for the things I do for them.
As I ponder these experiences, I realized that our Heavenly Father must feel that same way about his children as I do about mine. He must long for us, wait for us to call upon Him and long to bless us and give us abundant lives. But there are blessings that he can't bestow unless we ask first -- that are contingent upon our asking. He has to wait for them to ask. And I imagine Him waiting and wishing that we would ask. Or wishing that we would thank Him for all the things He does for us. And I also see Him wanting so much to open the windows of Heaven and bless us such that there will not be room to receive these blessings.
I love it when my children have a good conversation with me. With stars in their eyes, they invite me into their world of unlimited ambitions and endless possibilities. Or, they can also summon me into their valleys of newly found disappointments or innocent discoveries of Life's cruel ironies. Occasionally, they can surprise me with their clumsy rendition of gratitude and appreciation. The crowning glory of this rare repartee is when their face suddenly assumes an incandescent glow-- proof positive that you have communicated heart to heart, spirit to spirit. When this happens, I grin in my heart as wide as the ocean looking forward to that next rare treat when they once again invite me into their world. If you could only pick all the gifts that life can offer from a tree, you'd have darted from your couch and plucked all, laid them on a silver platter to hand to your child.
As I kneel by my bedside to start my day, I clumsily begin my prayer
I pause for a second to collect my thoughts that I happily want to share
And all my longings, my doubts, my hopes and fears I secretly hide
I softly declare to a loving Father who hears me by my side
I thank Him for His many favours and blessings poured on me
I try to list them all but soon in awe I came to be
So I told Him that my heart was full as it beats so gratefully
Then I thanked Him again for everything with all sincerity
My conversation lasted long and we talked of many themes
My family, my friends, my work and all my secret dreams
And then at last, I paused in silence then closed in Jesus' name
Before I opened my teary eyes these words so clearly came:
This happy morning my busy child took time from life's busy track
In thoughtful conversation shared and spared not a moment's lack
A grateful heart; to share your life and often in fervent prayer
So your Father's heart fills with tenderness and joy beyond compare
If I could pluck life's sweetest gifts from a blossoming yonder tree
I'd pluck them all and set them down on a silvery tray for thee
For the windows of heaven fling open wide and blessings pour out sweet
When a grateful heart in a loving soul bind to make a prayer complete.