The thing about vacations is that as much as NOT being on one means work, going on one requires a lot of planning and strategizing. I think its time for me to go on vacation. Extenuating circumstances require it. It is going to be an extended one. It may not be exotic but it will have to do. I am not taking anybody with me. I'm not taking my cellphone. I am not taking my laptop. It will just be ME. I have several places in mind but I have it narrowed down to two. It will be great. I am disposing of anyone and anything that causes me undeserved stress or pain. I am looking forward to it.
That sounds like a good idea. I think you should do it.
You always say this but you never do it. So, you should really plan it and do it for real. But you should go to Australia to scope it out for me so I can decide if I really want to go there or not.
A solitary, extended vacation sounds mysterious and sexy. But mostly it sounds relaxing. I hope you do get one.
I actually feel like going to Paris. But Paris is NOT a city for one.
I found your blog...it's been a ride reading all of it (and some of your links...thank HEAVENS you did not waste your money on a Thomas Kincade! Ridiculous!) and, let me tell you, it has been food for thought. If, by chance, you stumble on over to my blog, PLEASE don't hold it to the same eloquent, profound standard.
By the way, your kids look amazing now! I can't believe they are all grown up! Dang it, I remember when Hannah was born! (I've never used so many exclamation marks in one comment in my life.)
Jenn (Talbot)
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