Monday, December 01, 2008

Dead Tired

I was SO exhausted on Thanksgiving week. Everyday. The day before, I could barely muster enough energy to make breakfast let alone prepare the meal for the next day.

Thanksgiving Day: I was on my feet most of the day cooking and cleaning.

Sunday: I could barely walk. I think I managed to develop plantar faciitis. My right heel was so painful I couldn't walk. I need to rest it. When I went through security at SLC airport, I automatically gave the man my ATM card. He looked at it and asked if I had a picture ID. I looked at him confused. He showed me my card and said, "...unless you want to buy me dinner..." Then I realized what I had done and sheepishly gave him my driver's license. (It just dawned on me that this must stem from the now unnumbered times I had to satisfy the demands of my ATM card use during the past two weeks... so every time someone puts a hand in front of me, I just automatically give up my ATM card...) He asks me if I am alright. I tell him I am just exhausted. He tells me to 'take care'. That was nice. I hobble to my gate.

Monday: Today, I applied ice and heat to my heel. Took the maximum allowable dosage of Advil. It feels much better but I am worried about tomorrow. I really need to get some sleep. I don't think I am going to last Christmas break if I don't get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. The weeks before Thanksgiving, I averaged 3 hours of sleep a night. I am really feeling it. I am beginning to not like seminary. I have yet to put my tree up. Not to mention decorations. I feel like I am 80 years old. I need sleep. It's nearly 7pm and I have yet to read my seminary lesson. Did I say I am exhausted?

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