Thursday, April 26, 2007

My light stream of consciousness banter

Jordan left for Glasgow this morning by himself. He left a day later than the rest of his group because he wanted to spend as much time as possible with Amy, his girlfriend. I hope this separation brings them the needed reassurance to cement the feeling that they can't be apart. I just love her! She is so smart and beautiful and those two go well together. Anyway, Hannah, Kurt and I get to fly to London for a few days to meet up with him before we fly to Barcelona to spend another few days. It will be SO much fun. Anyway, he is still enroute as of this posting. When he arrives in Glasgow, he will have to find the rest of the group. Apparently they are meeting in a hotel walking distance from the airport. I'm curious to hear how his Aer Lingus flight goes. We get to fly to London via Virgin Atlantic which is supposed to be the best airline to use for this route. I have no idea what I want to do in London other than my usual museum and theatre kick. Art moves me. I can feel so much just looking at a painting or any kind of art. I think that music and art are indispensable as food. If I can just spend time in a museum during the days and watch a good play at night, I'll be happy. And of course, it would be utterly insane...INSANE if we don't watch a Shakespeare play whilst in London!

This will be Hannah's last summer with us before she embarks on her college life at BYU. I have been really emotional about her leaving but like my other three who went before her, I get to the point where I actually get excited FOR them because it is just such a natural transition that to NOT go would be insane and as their mother, I feel great joy when they progress. I do want her summer to be exciting. Other than London and Barcelona, I would like to go somewhere just the two of us. I am seriously thinking about going to Manila with her to go shopping but July is notorious for typhoons and intolerable sultry weather so I seriously stop myself from getting too invested in that great idea. I am thinking Montreal, Canada or just simply take a quick trip to Hawaii. We'll see. But for sure, I want to go somewhere. Maybe I'll check out another Tauck Tour...perhaps Egypt and Morocco?

Tascha will be leaving for Jerusalem at the same time we leave for London. She will be there for seven weeks studying at the BYU Jerusalem Center. It'll be exciting and enriching. I do want the kids to see as much of the world as possible so that their minds are open to everything different. There's nothing I can't stand more than a small mind---or limited perspective. So I am happy that we can provide them with these great opportunities for enrichment and enlarging of the soul.

I posted new photos of Lucy and she is just adorable. I don't think there's a baby in the world cuter than her. Leland and Catherine are just wonderful parents. I do hope that Lee takes advantage of the summer and take the LSAT courses. It will be a huge help. They will be moving into our condo at the end of summer. That should help them out.

Hannah is in Reno right now for a Jazz Clinic at the university. She is having a great time. She feels very empowered. I can't wait for her to come back to tell me how things went. For now, I am just grateful for all the opportunities that have come our way. Tomorrow, I have a lunch meeting with some people regarding business. I hope it works well for all parties. I can't believe I passed up an opportunity to go shopping at Neiman Marcus tonight. I was just so tired. Kurt and I went to dinner at Claim Jumper. I don't think I want to go back there for a while. It's so full of people...

I haven't had harp lessons for three weeks now and I am feeling rusty. I picked up my guitar again. It's been decades. Literally. It's frustrating how I've forgotten so much but my touch is still there. I need to do more of that too. Now if I can just find someone who will do laundry for me, I'll be SO happy.

I spent most of the day creating. Wrote a lot. Worked on my projects. Played music. I discovered an album recorded in Copenhagen in 1991 by the legendary saxophonist, Stan Getz and jazz pianist, Kenny Barron. Brought tears to my eyes. I played the music full blast and sat next to the woofers, closed my eyes and imagined I was in Copenhagen actually listening to Stan Getz. It was unbelievable. I was transported by his music. And greatly moved. Jazz is just unbelievably... fulfilling. It is a gift from God.

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