Thursday, April 26, 2007

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1. Rio de Maio------------Jane Monheit and Ivin Lins

Wow. A wonderful piece worth listening to when you want to unwind. I've been listening to this over and over and I just feel warm all over. A winner.

2. The Reason------------Hoobastank

I love the lyrics of this song but most of all, I love the catchy melody and rhythm.

3. Sewn--------------------The Feeling

Ok. So the lead singer is cute. But this song is so good!

4. Grace Kelly------------Mika

Pretty much every song in this freshman album chockful of Euro-"poppy" tunes is amazing. I don't have to say that Mika sounds so much like Freddy Mercury...ok, I just did but it's just uncanny. I memorized this song so quickly coz it's so fun to sing.

5. We Might As Well Be Strangers---Keane

I LOVE KEANE. 'Nuff said.

6. FIrst Song (For Ruth)------Stan Getz and Kenny Barron

Barron and Getz were made for each other. This piece is from the album "People Time" which was recorded in Copenhagen in 1991. For all you jazz aficionados, THIS is a MUST-HAVE. Their interpretation of "Night and Day" is a definitive example of perfect fusion between two instruments...nevermind that no one can ever recapture this performance. I'm only glad it's immortalized in this album. Oh my gosh. Can you say: devastatingly beautiful? This is it!

She Will Be Loved----------------Maroon 5

Smooth. I like this band.

They Are Night Zombies!! --------Sufjan Stevens

Pretty much every song in their album called "ILLINOISE" is a masterpiece. Buy it!!

The Luckiest--------Ben Folds

I'm just a sentimental kinda person and this song gives me what I need. Velvet smooth voice.

How To Save A Life---------The Fray

So it's what? I like it. A pleasure to add to my top ten list for this time.

And how was your week?

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