For the past couple of years, my friends have been celebrating each other's 50th birthdays---making and grabbing every opportunity to get together and express our love and appreciation for each other. We decided that NO one is allowed to deviate from being 50 until the last person turns golden. After that, we will remain ageless.
Friendships are so vital as we age, grow and experience all that life has to offer: highs, lows, joys and sorrows, health and sickness, pain and resilience..... We seek comfort in each other's journeys. The friends that I have---the ones who have known me before I became "me"---are gifts from heaven.
Now, I don't know how I managed to have them...but I relish having them around. They are singular and spectacular people.
Here's why:
1. They revel in each other's successes. They seem to not have the time nor the inclination to measure themselves against each other. When one achieves, they vicariously seem to experience those peaks and zeniths themselves. I think that's the secret: they actually feel that one's success is also their success. I love that.
2. They commiserate with you when you are at your lows. They don't abandon you---they lift you up and encourage you. They help prop you up when you feel like sinking. They don't judge your failures....they can separate failure from the person as if failure were just a mote in your eye. All you have to do is flick it off...or they'll do it for you.
3. They never allow you to be hard on yourself. They are quick to point out your strengths when your weaknesses seem to get the best of you.
4. They forgive easily....and quickly. And moreover, they forget the offense and let you begin where you stopped.
5. They are generous and kind. They WANT to share the spoils of their success with if you contributed and invested in them.
6. They won't let you get away with your shenanigans. They'll call you on the carpet----but you can't help but feel that they do it because they really care about you. I really hope that 50 IS the new 40 because well.....there's so much celebrating to do. And from henceforth, every day is simply a gift.
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