While in the bay area last weekend, my friends asked me about my necklaces and funky shoes. But ooh-la-la! I do love my unusual necklaces They make your face bright and complete your look. They add pizzazz to your wardrobe and give you some personality---even if it's just the shallow first-impression-personality-that-may-or-may-not-be-really-you. As for my shoes---they keep me well grounded.
Here now is my latest list of favorite things:
1. Shoes: most of my shoes are from Anthropologie. My latest acquisitions are this and this. I usually wait until there are enough reviews posted before I make my decision but sometimes I just fall inlove with a particular pair and just bite the bullet. I have only been let down once but it's easy to just drive around the corner where happily there is an Anthropologie store and I can return the 'mistake' no questions asked.
2. Necklaces: My husband calls me an Anthropologist because again, this is where I get my fun pieces. I like this and this and this. There are other cool ones but they have sold out and so are no longer found online.
3. Stella and Dot: I first saw their work on my friend Corsee's neck. I just fell inlove with the boldness of their style. It wasn't garish. It wasn't overpowering. So I simply had to have this.
4. Jeans: I didn't want to look ridiculous and wear 'young' jeans. But when I discovered this brand, I was grateful that I could fit into their petite versions without showing half my butt! Petite versions can be found here.
5. Perfume: I LOVE Tokyo Milk and intend to collect the scents that I just cannot pass up. I love "Song in D Minor", Le Petite, French Kiss and Sparrow. There's more-- I just can't remember the names.
6. Bath products: Though I also love Tokyo Milk's soaps, I consider these products my staples: I use this for shampoo and conditioner. I love the way it makes my hair smell and for some reason, my hair behaves when I use this product.
7. Skin care: I am not a believer that topical creams and snake oils can remove or prevent wrinkles. But when I used Patricia Wexler's skin care line, I was very pleased with the results. No, my wrinkles did not disappear. But my adult break-ups suddenly stopped. And my discolorations seemed to even out. So I think using these products religiously for a couple of months made a huge difference. I use all these products plus I have a big jar of this. I use them sparingly so they last at least 3 months or more.
8. Eyelashes: I do wear them EVERY day. I didn't use to. But one day it suddenly occurred to me that many moms my age seemed to look like they've 'given up'. I see them as they let their hair go gray and as they go about doing their errands in sweatpants and tee shirts. (Not very sexy...) So...if I don't have to go to work in an office every day does this mean that I have to run around looking dowdy all day? So putting on eyelashes is my way of rebelling against looking dowdy. It only takes me 2-3 minutes to put them on and I don't have to worry about wiping off the goop that mascara makes. Plus, I don't have any lashes anyway. Here's my favorite brand: I like these lashes and I use this adhesive. The lashes cost about $3.50 and I reuse them until they don't hold their shape...about 2-3 weeks per pair. There's a technique to this. Maybe I'll do a little lesson next time. Anyway, I think that's the cheapest way to instantly look glamorous!
9. Eye shadow: Most people are intrigued by the way I apply my eye shadow. This took years and years of experience. I don't use any other brand but MAC cosmetics. They last all day and the colours are vivid. Except for the black eye shadow. I use this in "Night Breed". It's always hard to find but last Saturday, I found ONE solitary box while browsing at Sephora and I snatched it. Wahooo!
10. My latest indulgence: My wonderful friend Kristi introduced me to this--the cinnamon crunch bagel. Ahhh....heaven! It has to be devoured toasted and with just a smear of soft cream cheese. As if this wasn't enough, she also introduced me to these... Made my day! Now I just have to have my bagel and egg soufflés kick at least once a week. It's also fun to just take some home and use my new funky toaster oven and have one in the patio by the pool while the afternoons here in Las Vegas-Henderson have been perfect.
There you have it. My ten favorite things that make me look good.
To complete the picture, I just have to make sure I am walking with my husband. Wowie. That's the picture of bliss! (OK...this is all too shallow but I feel shallow this morning.)
I love lists! I especially appreciate the links. Knowing you're wearing jeans called "the provocateur" has to affect you're attitude in a positive way when you put them on.
I can't wait to see how hot you look when we come in December.
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