Friday, May 25, 2007


One may think that the top item on my list would be to lose weight. Oh yeah. I've given up on that farce. With an empty nest looming in the very, all too near future, I've begun to evaluate my goals. In fact, my goal-less life is now full of new ones that I am excited to accomplish. I don't have any grandiose items on my list---just small doable items.

1. Learn three good pieces on the harp that I can use in church. I purchased my lever harp yesterday and at $5,000 clams, I thought it was a good deal considering how pretty it is on top of sounding great. Plus it's a Lyon and Healy harp. I would have preferred to purchase a pedal harp ($15,000 more...yikes!) but for now, while I am yet a beginner, this lever harp will do the job. I've already mastered two easy pieces and am working on a hymn that I can play at church---if I can have the confidence to do it without making a fool of myself. But those two pieces don't count so I have a long ways to go.

2. Keep a scripture journal. I've already started doing this but my notebook is so random and disorganized. My goal is to keep a GOOD journal that's not all scribbles and random thoughts all over the place. This helps make my scripture studies more meaningful and hopefully, powerful.

3. Take jazz piano lessons and learn ALL the jazz and blues scales in all keys. I start piano lessons again in September taking Hannah's spot who will be leaving late August for BYU. I am so excited.

4. Learn French (and maybe German). I already have the Rosetta Stone version of German. But I am more gungho about learning French. I can already sing a couple of songs in French so I am happy about that but I really need to become conversational in French. There's French bistro that I frequent and Bernard, the owner, likes to talk to me in French while I look stupid. But I will get better.

5. Learn to draw. Yep. I want to take drawing classes at the art studio nearby. All I really want to learn is to draw faces. I think this should be doable.

Yeah. Age creeps up on yah only if you don't keep on learning.These are my top 5 goals for the year. I am stoked about each one and looking forward. I think that's the secret to looking young. Also, I may be teaching seminary next year---not quite sure---but it's a possibility.

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